Forums Bugs & issues No code by e-mail

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #5436 Reply


    I had to re-install Axcrypt on my main computer, and I am expected to get a verification code by e-mail.

    Done the request several times and no e-mail received even an hour after.

    I understand this may happen if it is black-listed or grey-listed by my provider, but I had done it in the past installing on a couple of laptops with the same account without problem.

    This is very frustrating. I have no problem accessing my account on

    Any help would be welcome.



    #5437 Reply


    P.S. not in spam either, of course.

    #5438 Reply


    As far as I know you don’t need a verification code for reinstallation in order to decrypt your files. Choose offline mode, manually import your old keypair, enter your password and you’re good to go.

    #5440 Reply


    Well thanks,

    Going offline in the options made it without the need of the code. Still wondering why I can’t get the code by e-mail if I want to go “online” though I don’t need it.

    #5441 Reply


    Actually it doesn’t have solved my problem. Some files are ok, some ask for a file key (when I have used a global  same key to crypted them all)) and they don’t open.


    #5445 Reply


    Hello Barkeley,

    First off – you don’t need to recreate your account just to install on a new computer. Just install and type your email and then your password and you’re good to go.

    However, scouring our logs, I find that you’ve misspelled your own email. Look very carefully at what you’ve typed, and you’ll see that you have mistyped the fifth letter. You typed an ‘h’ instead of an ‘s’.

    That’s why you’re not getting any verification emails most likely. Apart from the fact that if you type the right email, there’s no need!

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