Forums Bugs & issues Need to exncrytp a folder stored on my file server

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #3113 Reply

    Jim Barden

    I purchased this software so I can encrypt specific folders stored on my fileserver.  I was able to encypt a file but also want to encrypt a folder.  when I go to add a folder , it only shows my local drives and PC not servers.  What is going on?

    #3116 Reply



    How is your file server accessed from Windows Explorer? AxCrypt uses the normal mechanism to browse networks as well as the local PC.

    When you add a secured folder you’ll get a “Browse for Folder” dialog similar to the following:

    Just expand the Network node, or the This PC node if the network is mapped as a drive. You can also drag and drop folders into the Secured Folders tab.

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