Forums Help & support Multiple gmail accounts

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #7475 Reply



    I have multiple gmail accounts that i would like to encrypt docs on, is this possible?



    #7484 Reply


    Hello Shelley,

    I’m not sure I fully understand the question, but AxCrypt will essentially encrypt anything that is a file on your computer. You can always try also, and ask when something is not working as you expect.

    #7490 Reply


    So, I have multiple Google drive accounts, and the Google desktop app only allows me to access one of them. The other ones are only accessible online. I’m thinking I can’t encrypt those other accounts unless I download the files, encrypt them, and re-upload?

    #7491 Reply


    Hello Shelley,

    Well, it depends. In principle, yes. AxCrypt works on files that are accessible on your local computer. I’m not quite sure how Google works with different accounts in the same computer, but if you can get the Google desktop app to synchronize them, you can then encrypt them with AxCrypt.

    Otherwise, as you say, download them, encrypt them, delete them on Drive and upload them.

    In any case, when doing things like this, do ensure good backups!

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