Forums Help & support Microsoft Word will not re-encrypt after doc is opened

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #15469 Reply



    I  am working on understanding how to use AxCrypt Business – I can open and close Excel and Powerpoint documents within AxCrypt, but when I open a Word document, the little broom symbol will not go away from next to it and I am unable to sign out of AxCrypt – I see the following message –


    These files could not be re-encrypted:

    (Name of file)

    You must close all applications with open encrypted files first!”

    What can I do to make this work properly?


    #15470 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Roxy,

    AxCrypt will keep track on the opened encrypted files, to update and re-encrypt the same. If we opened the file and updated the contents, then AxCrypt will re-encrypt the updated file.

    So after editing the encrypted files, we have to click the broom icon or sign out from the AxCrypt app to re-encrypt the updated files.We have to close all the instance of the encrypted file(s) opened application.

    And the AxCrypt app will be checking whether the opened file and the corresponding application are closed or not? If closed, then the AxCrypt app will automatically update the contents of the file and re-encrypt the same.

    Actually, we have to close the file opened application completely, to update and re-encrypt the file. Sometimes, we have to manually click the red Broom icon, to clean and update the pending files.

    Please note: If you opened and updated an encrypted text file with notepad and at the same time you had opened an another notepad application also, then you have to close both the opened applications to re-encrypt the encrypted files. You have to close all the opened corresponding applications properly.

    Please close the encrypted file and corresponding file, then you can signout/exit from the AxCrypt app. without any issue.

    Still, you are facing any issues, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

    #15477 Reply


    I have closed the file and have tried both signing out and clicking the broom icon, and neither will work – as I said, I am only having this problem with Word documents, as Excel and Powerpoint are working as they should.

    Assuming I have closed everything and the file will still not re-encrypt – what should I do to fix this?

    #15480 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Roxy,

    I think your encrypted file(word file) is the opened state only you not close the encrypted file and corresponding application properly, otherwise you will not get the error message.

    If you did not close the file properly that time you did try to sign out/exit from the AxCrypt app then AxCrypt app displays the Error message like you getting.

    If you closed all the open corresponding applications and encrypted files properly. now the Broom icon is disabled. Now you can sign out/Exit from the AxCrypt app. without any issue.

    If not close the opened Application & corresponding application Broom icon is enabled only.(it indicate encrypted file(s) are open).

    #15648 Reply


    I have the same issue with Excel.

    I am certain that there no excel open tasks, I checked the task manager.

    Using the broom does not work – and it is enabled.

    #15659 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Geri,

    Please explain what is the problem you are facing the AxCrypt application.

    Please write an email to contact our support team ( detailed information about the issue and some screenshot, our support team happy to help you.

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