Forums › Bugs & issues › Made new trial account – logged in > Your premium subscription has expired …..
This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by 7 years, 10 months ago.
John PescodI tried twice using different email accounts to start a trial of the premium version. Both times after pressing the activation key in the email and logging in after entering the (correct!) password, I got an immediate message that “Your premium subscription has expired and you can therefore no longer edit or create new password entries. However, you still have read-only access.”
Hello John!
This is correct, we’ve changed the way the Premium Trial is activated. It used to be activated automatically, but now you can chose when you want this to happen.
Over 99% of our users use the AxCrypt 2.1 windows app, and that’s where this process is implemented. We’ll be making a “Try Premium” button available on the web as well.
Right now, please download the AxCrypt app, and activate Premium Trial there.
Best regards,
John PescodHello Svante,
I did that after getting that message, but I don’t see an option to start a free trial.
In the website doc, it says additional features are available if you subscribe to premium. When I click on a premiuim function in the app, it takes me to the Buy Premiuim page.
Where can I find the link for the free trial?
Hello John,
Thank you for the input. Things seem so clear when we design them, but there’s always room for improvement.
All ‘Premium’ links should perhaps go to the ‘Try Premium’ function. It’s hard, we dont’ want to have too many text boxes and decisions like ‘Do you really want to Try Premium now?’ etc. So we have just one link for the trial.
Do you see this?
John PescodHello Svante
No, that “Try Premium” link is not visible. It’s probably because something went wrong both times after I logged in the first time. I immediately got the message that my trial period was finished even before I started.
After receiving the email with the 6 number activation code, it was also not clear what I should do with it. Was it supposed to be used as the password the first time? I eventually clicked on the link in the email and then I had to make my password and confirm it. Now I come to think of it, I had not yet installed the program because I thought this might be an app that runs in the cloud. Perhaps I needed to download the software first and then activate it?
Personally I think it would be easier and more beneficial in the long run for you to give everyone who downloads the program automatically the Premium version with all functions active which is valid for 3 months. After that users need to pay to retain the premium functions, or they get downgraded to the free version. Many software companies use this tactic.
Another thing you should SERIOUSLY think about is to lower the price to a max. $1 per month. I realise that this is 50% lower than your 12 month subscription price and that the costs of collection will also be (much?) higher, but the 1$ per month is a price point that is almost “painless” for most people. I would use $1 per month with an opt-out at any time, no questions asked. Not to upset your current subscribers, you could lengthen their subscription by 12 months so they don’t feel disadvantaged.
I had a friend who started up internet hosting in the USA 15 years ago, and he told me that he only started to make real money when he dropped his monthly subscription to 1$ per month (actually it was 99c) which was very cheap in those days. He told me that it took him a long time to make the move towards a pricing structure that he thought was “too low” to be profitable, but after he introduced the change his turnover went from a few thousand dollars per month to over 1 million per month in less than 12 months! 2 years later he was taken over by a much larger hosting company and he retired.
The costs of your development have already been made and your fixed costs are probably fairly rigid, but your variable costs do not increase proportionally with the number of software downloads. Actually I’m sure that your financial collection costs for each subscription are much, much higher than the unit cost of the software per user. So it’s a question of getting your program adopted and used by as many people as possible which will also lower the % you have to pay to PayPal / Credit card companies.
If 20 million people have downloaded your software over the years, you must have (hopefully) a huge list of email addresses to promote a new “killer” pricing structure. The new functions in your program should help you achieve this goal.
Bests regards,
Hello John,
First things first – you’re offline. You can’t start a Premium Subscription offline since server access is needed to verify the offer. Just go online and it should appear. We should of course make that more clear. I thought it would clutter up the interface showing an option that can’t be used, but we’ll change it to pop a warning/information dialog instead.
You’ve had the misfortune to come to AxCrypt from an unusal angle. 99% of the users download the app and do it all from there – the signup, verification etc. It’s much clearer then.
The idea of starting automatically with Premium, is, well… We thought so too. It was like that up until a few days ago, but we’ve received so much user input about it, suprisingly enough, that we decided to try this model instead. Many users got confused and annoyed with the automatic Premium start.
Pricing is indeed tough. You could well be right, and your basic reasoning is of course sound. However, we actually do have some real costs/new users – in support. But apart from that, yes, the marginal cost of a new user is low. However, our plan is to put more features into the product at the same price, most notably starting with mobile apps. Also, we’re lower priced than just about all competition.
But, we’ll see, maybe we’ll get to 99 cents/month. Pesonally I’d love to – I’d much rather have many users at a low price many can afford, than a high price with fewer users where some just can’t afford it.
Thanks for the input, keep it coming if you will!
John PescodHello Svante. Someone or something does not like me!
I’ve uninstalled the program and reinstalled it, but each time it comes up with the notice “off-line”. I do not see an option to make it go online as you said. The option “offline” was not selected. I would think that if the program was offline then there should be a menu option showing “online” or something similar.
Since I need to encrypt some folders before giving my computer to shop to have it checked for a fault I am having (too much activity on the HD) I decided to buy 3 months premium. I did that, but the program does not recognise that I have bought 3 months subscription (your website does). I uninstalled the program again, and then reinstalled it, but still the program does not recognise I have upgraded. This is getting frustrating…
Hello John,
The ‘offline’ indication is displayed when we cannot access our server from the application. Are you perhaps behind a firewall which requires separate authentication?
The Premium purchase suffers from the same problem – the app can’t see that you’ve purchased Premium if it can’t access our server.
The issue here is definitely in server access.
Finally, you can encrypt and decrypt entirely offline. Just be sure, as always, to remember the password used.
PS – We’ll of course refund your Premium purchase if you don’t want it after this is resolved. Also, you’ll still get your premium trial, so it’s not gone just because you purchased.
John PescodSvante,
I am using Windows 7 with Microsoft Security Essentials in a simple home wifi network. I don’t know much about firewalls and none of my other programs seem to have trouble connecting with internet. I have no idea why it can’t connect when my Firefox browser works fine and I can continue to login with no trouble to various accounts such as WordPress.
When I started the program the very first time, it asked for the password and I think I recall that it asked to wait while I was being authenticated which took about 5-6 seconds.
Anyway I have used the program to encrypt +/-50 files individually in different directories because I can’t choose whole folders to encrypt before I give the computer in for a check-up.
Hello John,
When you get the computer back, please contact us. We need to figure out what the ‘offline’ problem is.
Yes, you can select entire folders (but not recursively). Just right-click a folder in Windows Explorer and select ‘AxCrypt | Encrypt’. (With Premium, but that’s the problem of course, you can also designate folders as secured, which will facilitate to keep all files there encrypted).
John PescodI have installed Axcrypt (32bit) on my old laptop running Windows 7. Using the password I created on my desktop pc (still away being upgraded with new SSD) I could use the program’s Premium functions – it seemed to have no problem to connect to your server.
However I have noticed one thing. When an encrypted file is opened in the program, it comes into the list of recent files. However, if I then close this file and delete it using Axcrypt, it is not possible to remove it from the list. When I choose the option, “Stop securing and remove from list” I get a popup saying it is already open in another application, when this is impossible I had closed this file and deleted it using Axcrypt. The same thing happened when I chose the other option, “Remove from list but keep file secured”. Eventually I managed to clear a couple of the files from the recent file list by trying the options several times, but there is still one that refuses to be removed. It seems as if the interface is not being updated even though it was Axcrypt that deleted the file.
Hello John,
Thank you for the bugreport. The intended behavior is that if a file is removed from the file system (by whatever means) it should be removed from the recent files view automatically.
I’ve filed a bug report on this, and we’ll schedule this for a fix after the vacation period.
See .