Forums Help & support losing file updates

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #8152 Reply


    I’m not massively computer literate but I encrypt files that contain sensitive information.  I have noticed, twice, that Excel files I have saved under a new name and then encrypted have lost their recent changes.  It seems to happen just when I’m finishing off for the night, I save the file and often save a copy of the file.  It’s a file which has been encrypted in the past and I then re-encrypt.  On opening again afterwards my most recent work is lost.  It’s not in Excel’s unsaved cdocumnets repository and most recently the updated version hasn;t been in the Axcrypt appdata/local/axcrypt, though interestingly, the first time this happened, that ios where I was able to recover my complete saved file from.  I’m really sorry but I cannot be much more specific than that. I use excel 360 and windows and I am using the windows/dropbox interface in order to keep my encrypted files on dropbox.  What should I nopt be doing or is the above all too vague?  I’d very much like this not to happen to me again!

    #8153 Reply



    I can’t be 100% sure about what your user name is, but I’m guessing it’s something like “so*******”. If this is correct, you may want to start by updating AxCrypt to the most recent version from .

    Regardless, you should be aware that saving under a new name from withing Excel can indeed lose you the changes made, since we don’t do anything with files saved under a different name. If you save it in a different location, we have no idea about that either – we literally can’t see what you save where from Excel, except in theory if it’s to one of the folders monitored by AxCrypt.

    If you want to save a copy, ensure you do so in a place you know where it is, and also that you subsequently encrypt it, or save it to a secured folder location where AxCrypt will see that it needs encryption and will do so when you exit or you click the red ‘clean’ broom icon.

    #15533 Reply


    My changes from last week were not saved. Even though I saved them using axcrypt. How do I recover them??

    #15537 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Wendy,

    AxCrypt will keep track on the opened encrypted files, to update and re-encrypt the same. If we opened the file and updated the contents, then AxCrypt will re-encrypt the updated file.

    So after editing the encrypted files, we have to click the broom icon or sign out from the AxCrypt app to re-encrypt the updated files.

    We have to close all the instance of the encrypted file(s) opened application.

    For example: You opened an encrypted document and updating the document. At the same time, If you have opened another document in the same application, or even if just the application is running without an opened document, AxCrypt can’t be sure enough to actually do the re-encryption.

    If the above does not help or Still, you are facing any issues, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

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