Forums Help & support Light Bulb icon on AxCrypt Window always shows "No Need to Check for Updates"

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3629 Reply

    Laurel Valley

    There is a light bulb icon on the right side of the AxCrypt window that is always green and always states “No need to check for updates.” even when new versions of AxCrypt have been released. Is this supposed to change when new versions of the AxCrypt software are released so we know we can get updates? If not, what does icon mean?

    #3631 Reply


    Hello Laurel,

    It is indeed intended to warn about such situations, an update being available being one of them.

    However, it’s also made so that it does not do the update check too frequently, so it may take up to 24 hours after a new release until the icon changes color.

    Is your green despite an update being available for longer than 24 hours, and you’ve had Internet?


    #3633 Reply

    Laurel Valley

    I must admit that I really like AxCrypt 2.x after I got over the differences from AxCrypt 1.x and learned the nuances and enhancements of the new product, have been following the progress of the new product frequently, and downloaded the updates very soon after they were published. So, I have not waited more than 24 hours to see if the icon changed.

    I will wait more than 24 hours after the next update is published to see if the icon alerts me to the update as it should. If it doesn’t, I will report back to you.

    I thank you for all the hard work you are doing.

    #3634 Reply


    Thank you Laurel,

    It’s input from users as yourself that will ensure that AxCrypt 2 really will shine and succeed in the long run.

    Please  report if you find that the light bulb does not light up as expected!


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