Forums Community no content provider

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angela 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #26235 Reply


    I can not view decrypted files anymore, on my android 12 mobile. I get this error: no content provider ://net…

    I use the free version of Axcrypt

    I tried several times: with different files (encrypted with Axcrypt on my Windows 10 PC)  and also new file, with and without vpn, emptied cache, and reinstalled axcrypt. This made no difference.

    On my windows 10 no problem decrypting these files with Axcrypt.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you,


    #26245 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Angela,

    Please explain which file type do you have try to view/decrypt?

    In Mobile app, The problem with Microsoft Office files is because of a new Android permission requirement for apps to read each other’s files. We’re working on a fix and will have it out shortly.

    If the above doesn’t help, please write an email to our support team

    #26246 Reply


    Thank you for your reaction.

    I experience this problem with docx and xlsx files (Docs to go and Documents/Spreadsheets). When I try odt/ods files, they have to be uploaded to google drive to open. A picture was no problem, although I had to save it first and then open it.

    So I am going to wait for the fix, that probably will solve this.


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