Forums Help & support Inflating: incorrect data check error

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Thierry 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #4430 Reply

    Boucard thierry

    Hi, I am facing the error message “Inflating: incorrect data check” when I try to decrypt a mp4 video file which has a size of 4977791 Ko. (it is said that there larger files are supported on FAQ…)
    I have crypted it with a 2.1.13… version and I have the same error with this one and the latest executable version downloaded on the site.I am running on Windows 10 64 bits. I have no problem with previous files (with a smaller size).  Here is the ReportSnapshot
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    ———– Exception at 2016-10-11 19:53:47Z ———–
    System.IO.IOException: inflating: incorrect data check
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.Extensions.StreamExtensions.DecryptTo(Stream encryptedInputStream, Stream plaintextOutputStream, ICryptoTransform transform, Boolean isCompressed)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.V2AxCryptDocument.DecryptTo(Stream outputPlaintextStream)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.AxCryptFile.Decrypt(IAxCryptDocument document, IDataStore destinationStore, AxCryptOptions options, IProgressContext progress)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.UI.FileOperation.DecryptActiveFileDocument(ActiveFile destinationActiveFile, IAxCryptDocument document, IProgressContext progress)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.UI.FileOperation.Decrypt(LogOnIdentity identity, IDataStore encryptedDataStore, ActiveFile activeFile, IProgressContext progress)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.UI.FileOperation.OpenAndLaunchApplication(IEnumerable`1 identities, IDataStore encryptedDataStore, IProgressContext progress)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.UI.FileOperationsController.DecryptAndLaunchFileOperation()
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.UI.FileOperationsController.<DoFileAsync>d__56.MoveNext()

    ———– Exception at 2016-10-11 19:44:51Z ———–
    System.IO.IOException: inflating: incorrect data check
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.Extensions.StreamExtensions.DecryptTo(Stream encryptedInputStream, Stream plaintextOutputStream, ICryptoTransform transform, Boolean isCompressed)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.V2AxCryptDocument.DecryptTo(Stream outputPlaintextStream)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.AxCryptFile.Decrypt(IAxCryptDocument document, IDataStore destinationStore, AxCryptOptions options, IProgressContext progress)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.AxCryptFile.DecryptFile(IAxCryptDocument document, String decryptedFileFullName, IProgressContext progress)
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.UI.FileOperationsController.DecryptFileOperation()
    à Axantum.AxCrypt.Core.UI.FileOperationsController.<DoFileAsync>d__56.MoveNext()

    #4431 Reply


    Hello Boucard,

    This seems to be a real issue with a damaged file. Is this file on a removable media?

    #4432 Reply


    Encryption was finished normally before shutting down. (at least I noticed nothing abnormal…)
    Decrypting always runs until the end of the process and then displays error. Yesterday, a temporary file was created during process but was deleted at the end. Today, two times, the file is decrypted, an error displayed, video is 100% ok but sound 0%.
    So strange isn’t it ?
    Thanks for help :-)

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