Forums Bugs & issues I can't decrypt my files copied on my new PC

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #8819 Reply



    I have a new PC. I have copied all my files from backup. I have installed axcrypt.

    When I try to decryp my files I have this error :

    “The file D:\…..axx doesn’t exist”

    I can’t  retrieve the originals files.

    I have an idea about the issue, but I not sure, and I hope it could be fixed. The original files were created, encrypted and stored on a D:\ partition of my previous PC.

    My new PC has only one partition : C:\ It seems that axcrypt can’t decrypt because it don’t find the D:\ partition.

    Somebody can help me to retrive my files ?

    Best regards


    #8820 Reply


    I have an idea about the issue, but I not sure, and I hope it could be fixed. The original files were created, encrypted and stored on a D:\ partition of my previous PC.

    If you’re getting this issue on your new PC then I suspect that you mistakenly copied the symbolic links to the file and not the actual files themselves.

    To test out this theory right click on one of your files and click Properties. Then have a look at the size and report back your findings.

    If you have the actual files you encrypted (.AXX) and not just shortcuts then you’ll be able to decrypt them on your new PC. The fact that you don’t have a partition makes no difference.

    #8823 Reply


    Hello jbravi,

    A screen shot of the screen with the error message may help a lot to understand what is happening. It is not likely that the new path to the file has any bearing on the situation.

    #8826 Reply


    Hi All !

    Thanks for your prompt replies. The issue is fixed. The trouble didn’t come from Axcrypt. The reason is very stupid. My Office 365 was not yet activated, so the .xls decrypted files could not be opened by excel and generated an error message.

    Now, Office is activated, and I can open all my files.

    Sorry for the waste of your time.

    Have a nice day


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