Forums Help & support How to open files in non-associated programs

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #10761 Reply



    Do I understand correctly that if I use AxCrypt to encrypt a file, then I can only ever open that file in its associated program, and not in another program?  For example, on my computer I have three different text editors and four different browsers, but obviously TXT and HTML are associated only to one program.

    Or… is there a way to open encrypted files in other programs, without continually decrypting and encrypting the files?


    (using Windows 7)

    #10779 Reply


    Hello Samuel,

    No, you’ve understood it correctly. We always open in the default associated application. We don’t have a ‘transitive’ Open With option yet.

    We try to keep it simple, and actually – try as I might, I don’t think I’ve had this request mentioned before… 20+ millions users and about 17+ years… It seems most settle on having one preferred application for a given extension.

    I do understand why you’d want to be able to switch, but it’s not a common request apparently. Sorry, it’s not likely to be a priority in the near future.

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