Forums Help & support How much is premium?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6262 Reply


    I was looking at buying AxCrypt Premium.

    On one of your webpages it says that it costs €24 / year, but when I went to buy it the cost is €29.04.

    What’s wrong with the pricing?

    When I tried my AxCrypt Premium Trial I saw no option to encrypt in AES-128. It automatically encrypts with AES-256. Is there an option to use the lower encryption? Not that I want to.


    #6263 Reply


    Hello Steve,

    If you look a little further down on the pricing page, you’ll find the following text:

    “All pricing excl. VAT which will be applied for EU customers according to EU rules on order. We do not support VAT-free sales to VAT-registered companies within the EU. To start using AxCrypt you have to sign up for an account. A 30 day trial of AxCrypt Premium is included and will start when you activate your account.”

    So there’s nothing wrong with the pricing, it’s just that you need to pay VAT on top of the €24.

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