Forums Community How can I come back to the 1.x version?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Howard 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #4144 Reply


    I have downloaded the 2.x version, it’s installed. How can I come back to the 1.x version ?

    #4146 Reply


    Hello Alain,

    We’d like to know why you want to revert of course, but here’s how:

    1. Uninstall AxCrypt 2.x.
    2. Install AxCrypt 1.x (you’ll find the download on the legacy old site ).

    If you’ve encrypted or converted any existing files to version 2.x format, the best way is to separately download the portable / standalone version of AxCrypt 2 from and use that to decrypt the files as needed, and then re-encrypt them with AxCrypt 1.x .

    Please be aware that AxCrypt 1.x is no longer actively maintained.

    #4149 Reply

    Paul LeBeau

    Same here. The 1.7 version was clean, easy and the desktop integration was perfect. When you right-click, Encrypt, that version asked for THAT encryption password and showed you status as each step took place. It also responded to “STOP”. Seriously, folks, you got v2.0 all wrong.

    #4151 Reply


    Same here, lol, 2.x version is just a completely different thing, which I would never choose over MANY products. 1.x was exactly what was missing from this market, right click -> done with a key, now you have a messed up 4-5 step method with a pop-up (!) window, wich goes minimized (!!) on exit (cannot set otherwise), asking for a login password all the time (!!!)  //////// extremely quick uninstall 2.x lol.. btw I understand your marketing goals, but even in tis forum you asking too much of a detail for a comment..

    #4152 Reply


    Hello Paul and i_sol,

    Thanks for the feedback! We’re working on tweaking AxCrypt 2 to be more easy to adapt to for existing users.

    One of the challenges being that we’re also trying to solve some actual problems experienced with the old version:

    1) Users losing data because they mistype or misremember a password. By keeping a single password that is verified to be correct before encrypting any data, this risk is minimized.

    2) Bad user practices, such as having several different passwords for personal use. It’s just a bad idea.

    I also have to comment on i_sol’s statement “4-5 step method with a pop-up (!) window, wich goes minimized (!!) on exit (cannot set otherwise), asking for a login password all the time”.

    This is partially incorrect.

    1. If you double-click a file in Windows explorer to open it for example, the number of key presses and clicks is *exactly* the same as with version 1. There are no 4-5 steps.
    2. Yes, if you are not signed in, there will be a pop-up windows. So will it be with AxCrypt 1. However, yes, the windows is bigger, because it has functionality that AxCrypt 1 simply does not have. We know it’s perceived as intrusive though, so we’re working other ways to expose it.
    3. Minimized on clicking the red cross for is quite normal behavior in many similar softwares. If we didn’t do that you’d have to sign in over and over again. To really exit, just use “File | Exit”.
    4. I do not quite understand the comment about askig for a login password all the time. We get some comments on the fact that we *do not* ask for a password for every file being opened. If you’d like to explain further, I’d appreciate it.

    Thanks for the comment about asking too much detail to comment the forum, I’ll check what we can do there. We ask for three things, Name, Email and Website. We don’t need the website info, it’s just because of WordPress’s history as a blog tool I think. Name is nice to have so it’s not so anonymous, but we don’t need to require it. Email is only used so you can get notified of responses.

    We do *not* use any of the information asked for to post here for marketing information, or for anything else than mentioned above. Name because it’s nice to have a handle on the person we’re talking to. Email so you can get notified. Website not at all.

    #4159 Reply


    Hi again, and thanks for responding my (our) concerns so quick, it proves an excellent customer service, which is always a cornerstone before paying for a product. I cannot comment on your reply of using your 2.x program with Win Explorer, as my opinion is thats a bogus method for file organizing – I use a specific, and very common two-window based commander.  Here, with your previous version 1.x I simply right-click on a file or folder, than select what I want to do. Type psw. or locate key .txt, and I am done. However in 2.x you extend this method with an account with required login credentials, which makes the process long, too long for me. I do not want to log in first with name, password, email, than locate the file in a different explorer window (the one provided in your program), type second (encryption) password/locate key file, than leave the program open for taking up resources unnecessary. To be honest, according to modern requirements, for such a simple task as an encryption, more than one window is already too much, login and account-keep is way beyond annoying. I got AxCrypt anno for having a simple contextual command at hand, when needed, without unnecessary clicking around.

    Minimized on clicking the red cross as per normal in similar softwares is user defineable, not a set function as it is in here. Otherwise – again – its just unnecesary steps taken for a very simple task, such as closing a running program.

    However I understand marketing strategies as of 2016, I believe most users main problem with your current program is the fairly “agressive” data collection (in 1.x it simply was not necessary to create an account, this is the main difference for 2.x, where it is required for function.) also the pushed sales (quite a lot of messages calling for premium during use), on top of that, you only offer a recurring payment through subscriptions, rather than a one-off buy, which probably beyond the value you provide. I would not hesitate for a moment, to buy the 1.x with full functionality for an affordable price, however no way I subscribe for a yearly recurring, automated payment, which is something I commit myself, then tend to forget, or get it out/beyond of control for various reasons. Recurring subscription is something you should be most careful nowadays. It probably would be a more favorable way for everyone, if you would offer a week or so trial, then a one-off buy for a few dollars. Would not be better a few million paid download than few million non-subscribers? Anyway, it is still a good product, but so many similar out there for free, however not one is so user friendly like 1.x was, with a one-click context command, using no resources when idle. As I still using that, I shall go and donate just to show sign of goodwill, regards

    #4160 Reply


    Thank you i_sol,

    I’m not sure, but you should get the same right-click integration with AxCrypt 2 as AxCrypt 1. Are you saying your right-click / double-click functions are not working in your “two-window based commander”? If so, please let me. It should.

    The extended user interface is not required to use, it’s there for situations when it can’t integrate and to expose extended functionality.

    Grateful for the other comments too! We do ask for email, but that’s actually the extent of the agressive data collection – that’s not too bad is it? Really?

    In any case, we’ll be taking yours and others feedback and try to find a better balance between the old and the new.

    Once again, thank you!

    PS – You might want to read on the blog about the subscription vs license and our thoughts on that: .

    #4187 Reply


    Hello all,

    Just wanted to let you know that we’re listening to exiting version 1 user’s input on version 2. Although we’ve not made everything just like it was, we’ve tried to improve version 2 in various ways to make existing users feel more at home.

    Here are some things we’ve done recently up until AxCrypt 2.1.1474 (and later):

    – It can run entirely without Internet connection, ever. We don’t recommend it, but you can.

    – The “sign in” dialog is more compact and less intrusive.

    – The main Window state is remembered, so if you minimize it it will  usually stay minimized and never show unless you ask for it.

    – The tray icon now actually has some functions, such as sign in / sign out / exit / show main window.

    – The Windows Explorer context menu has a “sign out” function.

    We *do* still want you to register an email address (but that’s all), and we’re still for now committed to the one-password model for your files. We’ve written a couple of longer discussions about various things that are new in version 2:

    If you’ve tried version 2 before as an existing user and have had concerns, why not give it a new try? Download from .

    Still have feedback to give? Bring it on! We want to hear from you.

    #10938 Reply


    Hello!  I want to download AxCrypt 1.x.  I followed your instructions to go to, but I couldn’t find this old version there.




    #10939 Reply


    Hello Joy,

    Go to and then click the shield logo in the upper left corner. This will get you the menu and there you chose Download.

    #13489 Reply


    Hi Svante,

    I’ve been a fond user of Axcrypt going all the way back to 2005. However, just got a new laptop and had missed the conversion to the 2.0 version which I have now installed. However, I would very much like to go back to using the 1. version, especially as the ability to keep the file’s original time stamp was removed 8-(. If in any way possible, please restore this great feature! If not, I’m afraid I will have to find another suitable encryption tool…..

    Kind regards,


    #14006 Reply


    “We’d like to know why you want to revert of course”
    To answer this question as simply as possible I think it just boils down to 1.x being straightforward and easy to use and 2.x being much too complicated with seemingly self-defeating non-optional “features”. Keep in mind that most of us just want an easy way to encrypt and set a password on files in a folder and any attempt to access those files should prompt for a password. Nothing more. Adding timers, convoluted UI’s, automatic tasks, and requiring log in information etc. just generates confusion for a process that should be a very simple. 1.x provided what we need very well with some additional features available if we wanted them. 2.x leaves the user wondering half of the time what is going on and the other half if their files are actually really secure. It doesn’t matter if they are technically a million times more secure than with 1.x. It’s about the feeling that they might not be that matters in this regard. I love the simplicity of 1.x. It took about 10 seconds to figure it out. I spent over an hour trying to figure out what I was doing in 2.x and I finally gave up and went back to 1.x

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