Hello Trev,
Your G: MyBackup folder is encrypted or not?. if you have added the folder in the secured folder Please wait to sign out the AxCrypt app until the encryption process complete.
How to secure (encrypt) the Folder?
First Sign in to the AxCrypt app with your AxCrypt credentials. Then follow the below instructions to encrypt the folder.
You can able to encrypt your folder contents by just drag and drop the folder to the Secured Folders area.
Or Right click on the Secured Folders area and choosing Add Secured Folder option from the context menu.
or Select the folder and right click on the folder and select the AxCrypt | Encrypt menu option from the windows explorer context menu.
If the above does not help, please provide detailed information about the issue and some screenshot and write a mail to support@axcrypt.net. We are happy to help you.