Forums Bugs & issues Hangs when opening a 7 GB file

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #7427 Reply

    Mats Karlsson

    When opening a 7 GB file received from a business partner axcrypt reads the entire file (green bar moving towards the right) but then it stops just ahead of the right border. No disk activity and no CPU consumption. After a while the window freezes completely.



    #7428 Reply

    Mats Karlsson

    Running 2.1.1516.0 Free

    #7429 Reply


    Hello Mats,

    That sounds like a bug. We have done testing on large files, although not quite as large. In principle there’s nothing about the size as such that should cause any problems. There are no limits as such to the size of the file.

    We’ll see if we can reproduce it right now, if it has anything to do with the actual size of the file.

    #7437 Reply


    Hello Mats,

    I’ve now done some testing with an 8Gb file, and as we often say “it works for me”. So, I wonder if you’d be willing to send me a dump of the process, possibly using a custom build debug version, so we can analyze just where it’s stuck?

    #7438 Reply

    Mats Karlsson

    Sure, tell me what to do.




    #7439 Reply


    Hello Mats,

    Please send an email to support att axcrypt dott net and I’ll give you some further instructions. I’d like to send you an interim release version (there are no significant changes, but in order to be able to inspect the dump file properly I needed to do another build).

    Once you have the updated build, when AxCrypt is hanging, start Task Manager (right-click the tak bar and select it, or do Ctrl-Alt-Del and select it). Then pick the ‘Details’ tab, and find AxCrypt.exe. Right-click it and select ‘Create dump file’. Note where it’s saved. Go there, zip it or why not AxCrypt it and share it with ‘’ , then email it to the support inbox.

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