Forums Help & support forgot passphrase and keyfile wont work

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7561 Reply



    i forgot my passphrase on my axcrypt and i reset it user my email on this website but its still not working

    and the key-file wont work either.

    #7563 Reply


    First things first: it’s impossible to regain access to your files if you’ve forgotten your passphrase. If you could ‘reset’ your password to gain access to your files it would make the encryption useless.

    All you’ve done is deleted your old passphrase and created a new one and this is what it says in the red warning when you go to reset your passphrase. That’s how a ‘reset’ works – it does not allow you to unlock your previously encrypted files.

    You can continue to encrypt new files using your new passphrase but you cannot decrypt your old files unless you remember your old passphrase. Sorry.

    AxCrypt 2 doesn’t use key-files (AxCrypt 1 did). Your key-pair in AxCrypt 2 is nothing to do with the passphrase. If you need access to your files you need to remember your passphrase.

    #7564 Reply


    Hello abuhelow and thanks Jordan!

    Just a small additional comment. AxCrypt 2 supports AxCrypt 1-style key files to open AxCrypt 1-files. But it does require you to know the password used as well, just like before with AxCrypt 1.

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