Forums Help & support Folder Encryption

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #15736 Reply


    I made a secure folder, I copied a file into it.  I was able to open it. I rebooted the machine, then when I tried to open the file it blocked me and I had to use the AxCrypt software. I did not open the software.  Perfect.  I copy another file into the secured folder. I open it without issue.  Do I have to keep rebooting the machine to get files to automatically encrypt?

    #15741 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Rick,

    I will Explain AxCrypt Secured Folder  :

    AxCrypt Secured Folder:  — AxCrypt secures files, individually. However, you can designate folders as ‘secured’. The folders will be monitored for new files, and AxCrypt will secure all new files with a single click, or when you sign out.

    You can also select multiple files, including all files in a folder, to be secured in a single operation. They still remain individual files, and the folder itself is not secured, just the files in it.

    AxCrypt Re-Encryption with a Broom icon: — If the file in fact is located in a folder designated as “Secured”, it will soon be re-encrypted again since those folders are monitored for unencrypted files and will encrypt them when you sign out, or click the “Broom” clean up icon.

    AxCrypt 2 uses a more robust method for the automatic re-encryption, which sometimes means you as the user have to tell AxCrypt to do it. You’ll see this by the “broom” icon becoming red. This indicates there’s something in need of “clean up”, i.e. re-encryption.

    Still, you are facing any issue, please write a mail to We are happy to help you.

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