Forums Bugs & issues File sharing problems with AxCrypt

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Thiago (tmzani) 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #4154 Reply


    Good afternoon to all.

    I am a heavy user of AxCrypt v1 and recently have been trying to migrate to v2. New version looks fine, a part from the account creation and data sharing (my password, at least for the first time) feature which I am still concerned, I am giving a good try.

    My routine with AxCrypt is to keep sensitive text and excel files encrypted in a cloud service and using the tool to update these files on a daily basis. These are edited with MS Excel and a proprietary text editor (such as UltraEdit or Notepad++), and I am not creating bak or temporary files for them.

    I am noticing that after a day of work, the updated version of the files is not there.  When I look in the %APPDATA%\Axcrypt directory, they are still there. Ok, it happened for the first time, I’ve noticed that AXcrypt console did not keep a track — maybe something that I did wrong. However, this is happening constantly: Files are not updated, Temporary files are kept in the temporary directory and their status is not updated in AXcrypt console (it is considered “cleaned”).

    In the beginning I though that my Cloud service’s APP could be exclusively locking the files but this is also happening on a private drive.

    What I am doing know is to keep track of temporary files that have been lost in AXcrypt console to either;

    1) Wipe them out manually (so I will not leave clear text files behind);

    2) Or to manually encrypt them so I can keep a backup in case the original file is not updated;

    Not sure if I am missing something here — I like the concept, but it still looks a little bit unstable. Do you have any comments regarding that?




    #4155 Reply


    Just an add on:

    The problem with clear text files that are not kept in track by AxCrypt console is similar to:

    The files are there but the broom’s icon is disabled (Axcrypt lost track of opened files).

    #4157 Reply


    Hello Thiago,

    Thanks for contacting us about this.

    It seems indeed very strange that the files are left in the work folder, but AxCrypt considers it’s state clean.

    Your use case with Notepad++ and Excel is nothing unusual about, although you often do have to actually exit the application to get AxCrypt to automatically clean up. But that’s not the problem here apparently.

    Do you open the files via Windows Explorer, or the AxCrypt Recent Files view?

    Are the files in AxCrypt 2 format and open without further password prompts when you are signed in to AxCrypt 2?

    I’m wondering if the following could be what happens:

    1) You open the file.
    2) You edit and save it. AxCrypt has the broom icon red and active.
    3) You close and restart AxCrypt, or the scren saver goes active and AxCrypt actually cleans and clears the broom.
    4) You still have the file open in the editor, and now you resave it. Now it may be possible to have it both in the temporary location and AxCrypt considers itself clean.

    We have very few reports like this, it’s essentially you and the other you refer to, so there’s something about this situation. We do have a few things on the to do list to further make it robust for various edge cases, which includes checking the work folder and verifying that there’s really nothing there, even if there should not be anything there.

    #4161 Reply

    Thiago (tmzani)


    Thanks for your response.

    Here are my comments:

    > Do you open the files via Windows Explorer, or the AxCrypt Recent Files view?

    Mostly via Windows Explorer.

    > Are the files in AxCrypt 2 format and open without further password prompts when you are signed in to AxCrypt 2?

    Yes, the exception is an old text file that is kept under v1 — I have manually forced AxCrypt not to convert to v2.

    > I’m wondering if the following could be what happens:

    > 1) You open the file.
    > 2) You edit and save it. AxCrypt has the broom icon red and active.
    > 3) You close and restart AxCrypt, or the scren saver goes active and AxCrypt actually cleans and clears the broom.
    > 4) You still have the file open in the editor, and now you resave it. Now it may be possible to have it both in the temporary location and AxCrypt considers itself clean.

    Not actually. I’ve just run into the problem right now:

    1) Opened the XLSX file via Windows Explorer

    2) I’ve made modifications and press the “save” button – Excel warned me that it was unable to make any modifications due to a file sharing violation.

    3) I’ve opened the AxCrypt Recent Files view and part of the files are missing (I had at least 4 files and there are only 2).

    The problem is occurring frequently — please feel free to request me any other information that can help you fix the problem (I am considering migrating our password mgmt functionality to AxCrypt but I am waiting for it to become more stable).

    Thanks again,


    #4162 Reply



    Thanks for the info. It’s really hard to tell what’s happening.

    Can you (just for troubleshooting purposes) try to use it in a way where you really close down Excel and Word between opening documents (not just closing the document)?

    Also, I wonder if you’d be willing to take the time to run a screen sharing session where we can see this issue ‘live’ and/or receive beta software where we enable a few options on how files are handled?

    #4163 Reply

    Thiago (tmzani)

    Hello Svante,

    I will be doing that today and let you know the results. Right now I am facing another weird issue: After closing some of the texts, AxCrypt lost track of the files and apparently entered in some sort of loop: Process is consuming almost 2/3 of my CPU power. Right now it has 2 files under control (recent files).

    I’ve turned procmon.exe on and in less than 1 minute it had generated more than 2MM events. From what I can observe, it is running the following procedures:

    1) Tries to open controlled files in the temporary directory – at the same time, it queries the original files. Note: It is querying files that are not listed under “recent view” but are currently opened via AxCrypt

    2) At the end of the “file scan”, it tries to open FileSystemState.txt and writes something to it;

    3) Runs a new scan against the original and temporary files;

    4) Quit the activity and jump to #1 again;

    It does not stop. My impression is that FileSystemState is getting corrupted somehow (and losing track of the opened files).

    ps: Yes, of course I can help. You can either send me a beta software or we can schedule a live session (I am on GMT-0300). Let me know.


    #4166 Reply


    Hello Thiago,

    I think you may be running an older version of AxCrypt? The most current version is 2.1.1464 . Please ensure that you are running this version (or later).

    #4182 Reply

    Thiago (tmzani)


    The installed version is 2.1.1464.0.


    #4186 Reply



    I think it best if we can schedule a live screen sharing session if possible. I’m in GMT+2. Send an email to support att axcrypt dott net and we’ll find a suitable time.

    Thank you for your help!

    #4374 Reply

    Thiago (tmzani)

    Hello Svante,

    I have just upgraded to the latest version (74) but problem is still there.

    high cpu

    At least, I have found a way to stop Axcrypt from entering on a dead lock (race condition). Here is the full description:


    – I have two text files (static) that is opened by the beginning of the day;

    – At least 4 different spreadsheets that are dynamically updated throughout the day;


    1) Open the text files — nothing wrong;

    2) Start opening the spreadsheets. Looks fine until I’ve reached around 4 opened spreadsheets. Axcrypt enters a loop by continuously opening FileSystemState.txt and all files that are tracked within “Recent Files”;

    3) At this point, it loses track of most of the files (including the text files) and hits 50% of CPU;

    Mitigation procedures:

    – Sign off immediately after opening a new file (best to terminate the application entirely). Do not keep Axcrypt opened until you have saved and closed all files.

    Anyway, it looks like AxCrypt is not dealing correctly with exclusive locks that could be in place in the tracked files. It is happening all the time, including on two different machines (both running Windows 10).

    Hope that the description above will provide you with an additional information while trying to find the bug.






    #4379 Reply


    Thank you Thiago!

    I’ve filed a bug report on this, .

    We’ll look into it asap, but since we’ve not had it reported from elsewhere (I’m sure it exists, just not that frequently), it may take a week or two before we get to it. We’re working intensly on all fronts right now, most importantly on mobile apps which I think will make many users happy!

    #4380 Reply

    Thiago (tmzani)

    Thanks Svante. Let me know if you need any additional information.


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