Forums Help & support Exception during processing

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14763 Reply

    tom daniel

    When I close a file that is encrypted I get an error msg “Exception during processing …. the process cannot access the file … because its being used by another process”. The file is a temp file that is left in the same folder as the encrypted file. I’m using windows 10 and there have been some updates in the last 10 days so possibly related to that. The files in question are stored remotely by dropbox.

    Any ideas?




    #14764 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello tom daniel,

    AxCrypt will keep track on the opened encrypted files, to update and re-encrypt the same. If we opened the file and updated the contents, then AxCrypt will re-encrypt the updated file.

    So after editing the encrypted files, we have to click the broom icon or sign out from the AxCrypt app to re-encrypt the updated files.

    We have to close all the instances of the encrypted file(s) opened application.

    Please note: If you opened and updated an encrypted text file with notepad and at the same time you had opened another notepad application also, then you have to close both the opened applications to re-encrypt the encrypted files. You have to close all the opened corresponding applications properly.

    After Closing all the opened corresponding applications properly now Broom icon is disabled. Now you can sign out/Exit from the AxCrypt app. If not close the opened Application Broom icon is enabled only.(it indicate encrypted file(s) are open).

    So we have to close all the opened application instances. If you closed all the instances, then you will not get any warning dialogs.

    Still, if you are facing any issues, please write an email to  with some more information about the issue. If you can send a screenshot showing where the problem is, it often helps us understand.

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