Forums Bugs & issues Error code 216

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #9316 Reply


    I’m running version 1.7.3180.0, due to the need of having the command line procedures for my current project. In running the command line yesterday I got an error of ‘Unknown Error Posted : 216’. I have not seen this before and was wondering if anyone else has seen this or knew what it meant.

    #9323 Reply


    Hello Tyler,

    It certainly isn’t AxCrypt emitting that message. Can you send a screenshot? Is the text “Unknown Error Posted : 216” literally the *exact* message you get?

    #9394 Reply


    Yes that is the exact message, the program runs the command line encrypting a file. After the command line I capture the message/error being returned and what is being captured is exactly ‘Unknown Error Posted : 216’.

    #9395 Reply


    Hello Tyler,

    As mentioned, it doesn’t come from AxCrypt as far as I know. Screen shot?


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