Forums Help & support Error al iniciar el programa

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #18230 Reply


    Tengo una licencia por un año que expira en abril 2021, y al iniciar el programa es la 2nda vez que me pide poner un correo electrónico como si fuera a iniciar por 1era vez.

    La vez anterior que lo hice, se borraron todos mis correos habituales con los que comparto información.

    Esta vez no quiero iniciar la sesión como si fuera nuevo para que no vuelva a ocurrir.

    Agradeceré una orientación .


    #18231 Reply


    #18245 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Miralba,

    I think, you might clicked the Reset button in the sign in password dialog. That button is used to reset the AxCrypt account data in the locally installed AxCrypt app. That means, it will clear all the local contents cache of the AxCrypt app and restart the app like a freshly installed one.

    Then you have to provide your account email address and password again to sign in to the AxCrypt app.

    It is not an issue, the AxCrypt app Working like that only. Don’t worry about it.

    still, if you are facing any issue please contact our support

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