Forums Help & support encryption in command line – extension exclusion

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Seb 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14766 Reply



    First, i have to appogize for my english, i’m a french guy :)

    I use AxCrypt in command line in VBA to encrypt en whole usb disk. Is there any way to exclude some files by specifying an extension?

    Thanks for answering



    #14768 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Seb,

    We have not yet implemented a full command line with AxCrypt 2. There is still a command line, but it is a little limited and it’s really only intended for use by the Windows Explorer integration shell extension.

    You can found the command-line arguments for the AxCrypt 1.x here:

    Filename: Axantum.AxCrypt.Core/CommandLine.cs

    still, you are facing any issue/query, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

    #14770 Reply


    Thank you for answering. Never mind, i found an alternative solution!

    Have a good day

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