Forums Bugs & issues Encrypting Internet Shortcuts

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Azhaguraja B 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #10876 Reply

    Rob Brown

    Hi All

    Its always been problematic to encrypt internet shortcuts in AxCrypt as you can’t right click on them and select ‘encrypt’. I keep lots of these in folders so it never was a problem as I could right click on the folder and encrypt everything in it, including the shortcuts, however with recent updates to AxCrypt this isn’t possible anymore as it ignore internet shortcuts, encrypting everything else fine…. can this be looked at, as its really useful to include shortcuts in my encryption regime!



    #10905 Reply

    Azhaguraja B

    Hi Rob,

    Due to some security procedures, AxCrypt will not encrypt the internet and normal shortcut files.

    AxCrypt  should not encrypt files marked as system and hidden files also. AxCrypt is not about hiding the fact that data is encrypted. Also, it is easy to make things complicated by encrypting such files so we should not encourage it.

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