Forums Help & support Encrypted but still opens without password

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years ago.

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  • #6511 Reply


    HI there,


    I encrypted a file but it still opens up when i click on it. is there a way to still protect it?

    I am on my admin account if that works.

    #6512 Reply


    That’s how AxCrypt works. You type in your secure password once per session. It’s less inconvenient than typing it in each time and therefore more secure because you can use a longer password.

    When you shutdown your computer, or somebody else logs on, then AxCrypt will demand your password. Same happens if your screensaver starts.

    If for whatever reason you want to lock AxCrypt manually then click File – Sign Out.

    #6513 Reply


    Thank you Rodney, just so!

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