Forums Bugs & issues Don't want to enter password again after sleep

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3880 Reply


    In version 1 I only had to enter the password once per session. Now it also wants it every time after waking the PC from sleep. I use a password on the screensaver so I don’t want to enter my axcrypt password as well when it wakes. At least make it an option please.

    #3933 Reply


    Hello Al,

    It’s so hard to make everyone happy, and not destroy the app with a zillion options ;-)

    Most users are concerned about *not* having to enter the password every time…

    We’re thinking about a way to enable some of these optional behaviors in a way that does not negatively impact the clear majority of users who’re really happy with the way we designed it.

    I essentially agree with you – if you’re actually behind a password protected screen saver, there’s a good case for keeping you signed in. But most users see it differently, so we implemented the auto-sign out.

    Stay tuned, we’ll be working with these issues the coming weeks.

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