Forums Bugs & issues Decryption not working after using Laplink PCMover .

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Graham 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #6594 Reply

    Jim Sheridan

    Am able to decrypt on old computer. On new computer, axcrypt would not load, so I reinstalled it. Now seems to be working, but will not accept the decrypt key set up for the moved files. Works on old, but not the new.

    Any ideas ?



    #6595 Reply


    What does AxCrypt say on your new computer? If there’s any error message it’d be helpful if you could upload a screenshot and then add it to your reply using the picture frame icon on the grey toolbar above.

    • What version of AxCrypt are you using on your old computer?
    • What version of AxCrypt is installed on your new computer?

    When you say a “decrypt key” do you mean a keyfile?

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