Forums Bugs & issues Conversion Issue

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Robert M 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3848 Reply

    Robert M

    It looks like version 1 of AxCrypt has a problem the “grave accent” character —->> `

    If I encrypt a file with version 1 using the sample password below, version 2 will not decrypt the file unless I remove the grave accent from the password.

    nbOy5`qmA90$miCR (password entered to encrypt with version 1)

    nbOy5qmA90$miCR (password needed to decrypt with version 2, with accent character removed)

    I don’t know if other characters cause this issue. I discovered this when certain version 1 encrypted files would not decrypt with version 2.

    #3909 Reply


    Hello Robert,

    This is essentially correct. AxCrypt 1 disallows many such characters. If you look carefully when you enter the password in v1 you’ll see it is in fact not accepted. There should even be a ‘beep’.

    We’ll change it so v2 will try v1 files with v1 illegal chars filtered out as well.


    #3911 Reply

    Robert M

    That explains it, thanks.

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