Forums Help & support Context Menu Does Not Appear

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #11543 Reply

    Derek Pryce

    I’m using the free version of Axcrypt v2 succssfully (and have been using it for nearly 2 years). However recently the right-click context menu does not appear at all for either files or folders.

    The features of Axcrypt are all working propery, it’s just that I cannot get the context menu to appear.

    My Windows 10 is fully up-todate, using latest Bitdefender, and all my other application context menus are working properly.

    Any help would be appreciated



    #11544 Reply


    Hello Derek,

    If it used to work, and now doesn’t, something must have changed. You may want to try to uninstall, and re-install the distribution.

    If that doesn’t work, some other shell extension may be the problem.

    #11545 Reply

    Derek Pryce

    Dear Svante,

    I tried the re-installation of the latest version of the software. But made no difference.  An ex- Microsoft friend suggested I install a Shell-Extension-Manager utility from the website (full of useful utilities but needs careful use), and found out that the Axcrypt Shell Extensions were not enabled.  I enabled them and the problem was solved.  To this day I don’t know why the extensions were not enabled during installation of Axcrypt.

    #11546 Reply


    Hello Derek,

    Great! I was probably going to suggest the nirsoft software as the next step – it’s very useful to understand why shell extensions are not working as expected. I have no idea either why they would be disabled, especially after a re-install.

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