Forums Help & support Can't Encrypt Using Password

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #15611 Reply


    I have been using Axcrypt for many years, always using the same password for encrypt and decrypt.  All of a sudden today, I decrypted some files – no problem.  I viewed them, then tried to encrypted them again with the same password – just like I’ve always done.  Now, all of sudden, it says wrong password.  How can that be when I just used the same password to decrypt it?!  I restarted my computer just to eliminate and “cobwebs,” but the same problem exists.  I can still decrypt fine with the password, but not encrypted.  The right-click dropdown menu indicates that I am signed in because the choice is to sign out.  I already signed out and in again.  I am stumped!

    #15617 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello GARY,

    AxCrypt 2.x use a single sign on model where the same password is used to sign in to our servers and to protect your files.

    AxCrypt will use the AxCrypt account password to encrypt/decrypt the files. The account password is used/involved to encrypt the files with the AxCrypt app.

    Please explain which version you have use AxCrypt 1.x or AxCrypt2.x?

    Do you have reset or change the AxCrypt account password recently?

    Please provide detailed information about the issue and write a mail to We are happy to help you.

    #15624 Reply


    I am using AxCrypt 2.1.1585.0

    I think I figured out the problem.  When I first encrypted my files, I used one password for files I’m willing to share and another password for files I am NOT willing to share.  The second password is the one I used to sign into AxCrypt and it will encrypt and decrypt any file regardless of the original password I used to secure it.  So that’s working.

    Another problem is that after I decrypt a file, open and close it, sometime it will not encrypt it, claiming that it is being used by another program, which it is not.  Even after restarting my computer, it had the same complaint, with not other applications opened.  Have you come across this problem?  Thanks!


    #15625 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello GARY,

    AxCrypt will keep track on the opened encrypted files, to update and re-encrypt the same. If we opened the file and updated the contents, then AxCrypt will re-encrypt the updated file.

    So after editing the encrypted files, we have to click the broom icon or sign out from the AxCrypt app to re-encrypt the updated files.We have to close all the instance of the encrypted file(s) opened application.

    And the AxCrypt app will be checking whether the opened file and the corresponding application are closed or not? If closed, then the AxCrypt app will automatically update the contents of the file and re-encrypt the same.

    Actually, we have to close the file opened application completely, to update and re-encrypt the file. Sometimes, we have to manually click the red Broom icon, to clean and update the pending files.

    Please note: If you opened and updated an encrypted text file with notepad and at the same time you had opened an another notepad application also, then you have to close both the opened applications to re-encrypt the encrypted files. You have to close all the opened corresponding applications properly.

    Please close the encrypted file and corresponding file, then you can signout/exit from the AxCrypt app. without any issue.

    Still, you are facing any issues, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

    #15641 Reply

    Rob Overton

    I have a similar but slightly different problem.  I used Ascrypt to encrypt some of my files; I’ve been using it for years, so I’m sure it was an older version of AxCrypt.  I have no real security issues, so I used a really easy-to-remember password.  Then my coputer crashed.  I needed to do a clean reinstall of the OS, so that meant downloading AxCrypt again.  I was prompted for a password and gave it the password I’d used to encrypt all those files.  I got an error message — apparently that password was too easy to break — so I created a new one.  Now I can’t decrypt my files!

    #15643 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Rob,

    AxCrypt will allow the users to decrypt the encrypted file with the original password which is used for encryption.

    AxCrypt will use the AxCrypt account password to encrypt/decrypt the files. The account password is used/involved to encrypt the files with the AxCrypt app.

    If the file was encrypted with a different password than your sign in password, then you have to enter the file password while viewing/decrypting the encrypted file.

    Still, you can open/decrypt the old encrypted files with the original file password(which was used in the file encryption process).

    So please try to remember the file password(which was used in the encryption process) to decrypt/open the old encrypted files.

    If you think you almost know the password, we have simple software allowing you to try to find your password, and you can download the most recent version from and read of how to use it at . Please note that we cannot provide support beyond this.

    For more info about Password Reset: and

    Still, you are facing any issues, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

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