Forums Help & support Can't edit files: read only temporary files (v2.1 free)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Boris 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #7312 Reply


    Good time of the day!

    I’ve been using 1.x version of this nice software for quite a while on a Win 7 machine. Now I switched to Win 10, downloaded and installed the latest version 2.1. The problem that I encountered is that I can’t quickly edit files with double click anymore, because for some reason the unencrypted file that is created in temporary directory is read only. Even if I manually remove the read only flag and save my edits the encrypted file isn’t getting updated!

    Does the free version of AxCrypt lose the feature to edit files ‘on the fly’? It’s very sad if that’s the case.

    #7313 Reply


    If you read any of the top forum posts you’d be aware that version 2 does allow editing ‘on-the-fly’ but the latest version has a problem which prevents this. It’s being worked on to resolve the problem.

    You’ll have to revert to version 2.1.1509.0. which was released on the 9th June 2017 in order to edit ‘on-the-fly’ but uninstall the latest version first.

    I only have the portable (no installation version) but this is good enough if you associate your .AXX files with the portable .EXE file. It’ll provide you all of the intended functionality. [the file is digitally signed by AxCrypt]

    #7320 Reply


    Please try version 2.1.1516 which should address this issue.

    #7335 Reply


    Thank you very much! It works great after the update!

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