Forums Bugs & issues Can't change PW

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #5804 Reply


    Hello, friends–

    I forgot my PW and clicked on “Forgot PW” to get an e-mail with a link allowing me to reset it.  I got the e-mail, but when i follow it to the site where I can change my PW, I create a new one which is rejected with the explanation that my PW is wrong.  This happened several times–same message.  So i can’t get into my account and can’t subscribe to Premium.

    Help, please.





    #5806 Reply


    I’m just a customer Joe but I can tell you that the forgotten password feature only resets your AxCrypt account password. That means you can use AxCrypt going forward. What it doesn’t allow you to do is decrypt files encrypted with your old password – that’s the whole point of encryption: there are no backdoors.

    However what I think you’re saying is that the password reset link sent in an email isn’t working. If this is the case then try this link once more. If it still doesn’t work then you’ll need to email support (for the fastest response) or wait for Svante to read this message.

    #5814 Reply


    Thanks, Eddie.  Yes, I was referring to the PW for my account.  I understand that the PW for decryption is a different matter.  Fortunately, I haven’t lost or forgotten that PW.

    The link Axcrypt sent to enable resetting the account PW is the problem.  It doesn’t work; when I try to enter a new PW, it gives me the message that my PW is wrong.

    I’ll wait a day or two for help from Svante.  If I don’t hear anything by then, I’ll use the e-mail link you kindly sent me.




    #5824 Reply


    Hello Joe,

    I’ve looked at the logs, and although it’s a little hard to be sure, it looks like you’re going through the old Axantum site to request the password reset.

    Try using (the same one Eddie suggests). If your problem persists, please email us at support att axcrypt dott net .

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