Forums Bugs & issues Cannot install AxCrypt

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #3151 Reply


    axcrypt error

    Receiving the above error when trying to install AxCrypt. Have turned off both firewall and antivirus. Rebooted PC. Ensured nothing was running in the background that may stop install. Please help!

    #3153 Reply


    Forgot to mention, Win XP machine. 32 bit.

    #3154 Reply



    The most likely reason is that you’re missing .NET 4.5. There might be other things missing or out of date as well. Windows XP was officially retired over 2 years ago I’m afraid. Microsoft does not support Windows XP, nor do we officially.

    That being said, I know that it’s possible to run AxCrypt on XP, but you may need some updates in addition to the .NET framework.

    Nevertheless, I really, really, recommend you to upgrade your operating system!



    #3155 Reply


    Thank you so much Svante. That at least gives me a starting point. Unfortunately we are a small rural school district and the funds just aren’t available for decent technology. This particular PC could not run even Win 7 unfortunately. The old XP machines are still running, that means we have to keep using them!  I am the only IT person for the whole district and they keep me very busy with all of this out of date technology we have. :)

    Thanks for your help!

    #3282 Reply


    Jodi, I hope it worked out for you. You should be able to get it working with updates – even if XP is decomissioned you should still keep it as updated as possible.


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