Forums Bugs & issues Cannot encrypt / decrypt

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #4342 Reply

    David Hemmings


    I need to decrypt a file to carry on with my work, to find that nothing works.

    After the enter password to decrypt message box popped up it just hung, had to reboot. Did the same again, waited about 5 minutes and then the window just went away.

    Opening up the programme from the tray, it is showing me as signed out and i need to upgrade to premium to do anything. is not letting me log in.

    I am stuck with locked files – is there a problem at your end or mine ? is it me or is it down shows to be up.

    What is the last version of axcrypt that works autonomously – i don’t want this happening again.

    Windows 64 home premium, all windows updates applied

    axcrypt – v2.1.1460.0

    and if it makes any difference Kaspersku IS 2017

    #4346 Reply


    Hello David,

    We did have a minor server issue causing timeouts for some requests, but this has now been addressed.

    AxCrypt will never tell you that you *need* to upgrade to Premium! It will suggest you do, but you’re fine to run AxCrypt for free as long as you like.

    What do you mean when you say “” will not let you log in? does not require any sign in, does – but for the forums here for example you don’t need to.

    Do try again!

    #4347 Reply


    Hello David,

    We did have a minor server issue causing timeouts for some requests, but this has now been addressed.

    AxCrypt will never tell you that you *need* to upgrade to Premium! It will suggest you do, but you’re fine to run AxCrypt for free as long as you like.

    What do you mean when you say “” will not let you log in? does not require any sign in, does – but for the forums here for example you don’t need to.

    Do try again!

    #4348 Reply

    David Hemmings

    After about 25 minutes i could finally login to the site and the programme acknowledged my premium membership and i could decrypt my files.

    This system definitely needs a rethink, do i want essential & sensitive business documents suddenly unavailable if your website disappears – that’s a nope. Can the current series of programmes be made to work offgrid? or do i need to upgrade to a previous version ?

    #4349 Reply


    Hello David,

    As with all software systems there are unexpected things that can go wrong.

    Normally we’ll handle a server error pretty transparently, for instance if the server does not respond at all.

    But what happened here was a trickle kind of situation – the server actually responded – just very very slowly. Too slowy, so the client gave up in a way that we’ve not covered. It’s indeed a bug – and we’ll fix it.

    And, yes, you can install and run AxCrypt *entirely* offline, so even if we disappear completely off the face of the earth you’ll be fine.

    Just select Files | Options | Always Offline !

    You can also start it with with –offline as a command line switch like in this situation.

    #4351 Reply

    David Hemmings


    I did mean – and didn’t initially see how to post without logging in to the forums. I was distracted by a cold knot of fear thinking that i had lost access to a plethora of vitally important company documents and how was i going to get this sorted.

    The programme running in the system tray when maximised indicated i needed to upgrade to premium to be able to decrypt, it wouldn’t let me do anything.

    Thanks for pointing out offline mode which i have now enabled.



    #4353 Reply


    Hello David,

    Happy it all works out for you – but I would not recommend the offline mode. Among other things you’ll not be notified of software updates, for example the one coming soon which will address this particular situation ;-) I’d use it as a last resort should this happen again. Also, you will actually have to reconnect every now and then to refresh your Premium subscription information. (This makes sense even in the out-of-business scenario, since most of the Premium functionality is server based and thus connected to our staying in business). And, barring catastrophic accidents, should we go out of business it’s likely that my last action will be to publish a version that is permanently ‘Premium’ as far as the offline features are concerned.

    For what it’s worth – this is the first even partial server outage we’ve had. It’s not a common thing.

    We’ll have to be more clear about the Premium information. You are *never* required to upgrade to Premium to access your information. We will *not* hold our data ‘hostage’ like that. That’s not playing nice, and we like to be nice guys and gals!

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