Forums Bugs & issues Cannot "Encrypt copy to EXE" with version 2

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #6122 Reply


    This is one of the most useful features found in version 1.7,   When someone you are sending a file to does not have Axcrypt this allows them to open the file by inputting the proper password.  Why would you remove this feature in the new version???

    #6125 Reply


    Hello Dwain,

    Here’s why: .

    #6127 Reply


    All of your points are valid.  And my use of this feature I must admint is probably an exception to what would be normal for anyone having to send encrypted information on a regular basis.  The following information is provided, not to disagree with you but to explain a little further.

    I use this feature to send financial information quarterly or yearly to my CPA who admits being technically challenged.  Because of this, I was reluctant to have her go through the process of installing software on her computer just to be able to receive my information.

    First, I usally have about 8 documents in pdf format that I include into a .zip file.  I then encrypt the .zip file to an executable.  Then I rename the file from the form of filename.exe to filename.txt so that it will not be blocked by her email.

    She receives the .txt file, renames it to an .exe file, double clicks on this file and is prompted for the password, (which was decided on long ago and transmitted in a separate email at that time).  She then can open the .zip file and has access to the documents.

    I can see that with the version 2 product, you can just run the executable version without going through an install.  This may be an easier solution for her.  I will give the version 2 product a second look to see if this can simplify the process.

    I agree with someone else who did not like the fact that version 2 does not prompt for a password when you open an encrypted file on your own computer.  I know that is for convenience, but in his case, it is a shared computer.  I know the arguments, but if anyone gains access to your computer, like an administrator, they now have access to your encrypted documents.  I think you may need to give this issue a second look!  Also the user interface is not as intuitive as you may have thought.

    PS. I don’t want to be all negative here.  I appreciate what you have done with this product.  I can see that a lot of effort has gone into this and I applaud you for all the new features.


    #6128 Reply


    You can still use v1.7 @Dwain if she/you prefer the interface.

    Version 2 portable doesn’t require installation however it’s simpler if you do install it because AxCrypt associates the files with the .AXX extension which means all she’d do is double-click on the encrypted file. If she didn’t install the software she’d have to load AxCrypt 2 and then open the encrypted file – an extra step!

    With version 2 you need to be a premium customer in order to share the file with your colleague – however the recipient can use the free version.

    #6129 Reply


    Hello Dwain,

    Thanks for the input! Just to be clear – as long as you sign out or have a password protected screen saver, your AxCrypt-encryped data is generally safe from other users, including administrators.

    It’s when you allow someone else to use the same Windows session, the problem arises.

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