Forums Help & support Businness Account Admin Features

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #15441 Reply


    hi i have a business account and i have to ask some questions.

    can I the administrator change the passwords of standard business users connected to the company account? such as?

    after the password change can I decrypt the previously encrypted data?


    #15444 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Fluz,

    The administrator cannot change/set the Password for new/old users. But your company member if wish to change the AxCrypt account password -he/she to change the AxCrypt password by itself.

    after the password change can I decrypt the previously encrypted data?- -Yes, if you change your AxCrypt password, AxCrypt encrypted file are automatically change to your new password.

    Both the Password reset and change are not the same. For more information about password change and reset, please check out our blog:

    Still, you are asking any Query/issues, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

    #15448 Reply


    if you forget your password and generate a new one, there is data loss! I will not be able to use it in my company. I expect more from the business product.

    it takes a master password of the administrator user who can decrypt the files of standard users or the cost is unjustified


    #15464 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Fluz,

    AxCrypt will allow the users to decrypt the encrypted file with the original password which is used for encryption.

    AxCrypt is file encryption with no backdoor, that means AxCrypt do not store user’s account password, anywhere. There is no way to open the encrypted files without the file password.

    Please note: Do not forget your password, or you will lose your encrypted file and always keep a backup of all your important files, encrypted or not.

    We will implement unique features exclusively for AxCrypt Business users.

    Still,if you are asking any Query/issues, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

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