Forums Community business edition

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14767 Reply

    chris guth

    With regards to the business version of Axcrypt. If I as the administrator identify 4 other as members of the company in the admin setting, are those 4 members automatically given permission to decrypt the files I have encrypted, similar to key sharing, or do i still have to specifically key share individual files with them?



    #14769 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello chris guth,

    If you want to share the files with four members, you can key share the files for all members at a time.

    Select the encrypted file–>Right click to select share keys option in the recent file->Key share windows will open- >Now enter the 4 member email id in one by one in add contact, after adding the 4 members then click the ok button.

    Now You can send the encrypted file via email(Gmail, yahoo, etc..) to 4 memebers. If they want to open the received encrypted file then we have to share the file password with them or the files should be key shared with receivers’ email addresses.

    I will explain about AxCrypt key sharing feature to share the encrypted file to other users.

    There is no need to share passwords in order to send or share files securely with others.

    AxCrypt has a key sharing feature letting you add recipients by email address, who when they receive the file can open it with their own AxCrypt password.

    Key sharing embeds the shared key into the file. The file must thus first be key shared with the recipient, then sent or file sharing. Please note that AxCrypt does not share or send the actual file. To see a quick instructional video explaining how to use key sharing, please view .

    still, you are facing any issue/query, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to

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