Forums Community Bruteforce tool usage

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nathan Lobdell 10 months ago.

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  • #18447 Reply


    Hi, I have encypted very important file this afternoon however, right after the encrytion, I was not able to open it with the password I wrote down. I don’t know what’s going on but am trying to use the brute force tool to try different combinations. However, how can I tell if the brute force tool have found the correct password and what it is after running all the combinations?

    #18451 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Nina

    We cannot provide support beyond this.(Bruteforce)

    How to use it at

    #23344 Reply

    C.C. Wang


    Ik ben mijn wachtwoord kwijt. En ik heb gelezen dat ik eventueel met de tool AxBruteForce- mijn wachtwoord kan vinden.

    Graag ontvang ik deze tool.

    Vast bedankt.

    C.C. wang-

    #23354 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello C.C. Wang,

    You can download the most recent version from   and read of how to use it at Please note that we cannot provide support beyond this.

    AxCrypt will allow the users to decrypt the encrypted file with the original password which is used for encryption.

    #31123 Reply

    Daniel Lima

    I’m having a problem with Axcrypt Brute Force that is preventing password discovery for many personal files.
    Brute Force is working fine if I mark the 1.x option, but when I mark the 2.x option it gives an error for not finding the file “Nextonsoft.json”. I’ve tried several ways to fix this error but to no avail.
    Do you have any solution to help me?
    I use Windows 11 fully updated.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    #31128 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Daniel,

    You have the same question asking in Support. we already respond to your question via email. Please check your email.

    “Please avoid sending the same query in different mediums. You may get the duplicate response”

    #31330 Reply


    Hello Daniel,

    You have the same question asking in Support. we already respond to your question via email. Please check your email.

    “Please avoid sending the same query in different mediums. You may get the duplicate response”


    Hi Prabhukumar,

    I have the same problem as Daniel. I understand that you do not provide support beyond the page listed above, as you have previously said, but it seems that this version of the software does not work in Windows as delivered because it cannot call Newtownsoft.Json 13.0.0.

    I do not have so much experience with coding, but it seems like this should be an easy fix to get the program to correctly reference Newtonsoft.Json. I would be very grateful if you could help me, as I am trying to open a very important file where I can “kind of” remember the password encrypted in AxCrypt 2.0, however, there are about 10,000 combinations since I cannot remember the pattern of capital/lowercase/digits.

    #31334 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello JD,

    We are clearly mentioned on our website, Sorry to say, We cannot provide support beyond this.

    Please contact relevant support or search the internet to resolve the issue. Please understand we cannot help further.

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