Forums Help & support AxCrypt will not delete file

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Fred 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #7913 Reply


    I continually get a warning about a file that is deleted. When I open AC it shows the file with a little brush to the right of the file name. I am unable to delete the file because it says’s that the file is open in another application. However it is not open anywhere. I deleted the file trying to remove this popup warning that continues to happen over and over again, but still can’t seem to get rid of it.

    #7914 Reply


    Hello John,

    You may want to try to close the actual application that the file was open in. Or you can just exit and restart AxCrypt, that should also work.

    If I misunderstand, please send a screen shot of the situation, it often helps clarify things.

    #8107 Reply


    I have a similar problem when I try to decrypt files. It keeps saying the file is open in another application.

    I have closed down any application that may have used the file and restarted Axcrypt but to no avail.

    I have to reboot the machine before the problem is resolved. Most annoting.



    #8108 Reply


    Hello Fred,

    Do ensure you’re running the most recent version of AxCrypt, and also ensure that you’ve really closed the application – it may not be enough to just close all documents.

    #8109 Reply


    Thank you for your email.

    I use “Task Manager” to make sure the files are not open and close any that are.

    I am guessing that it is a win 10 system file such as “Film & TV” that cannot be closed easily where the file may still be open. But this is a guess only.

    One would have thought that the Axcrypt would take this into account. I was going to get the Premium version but this is becoming so annoying I am not certain anymore.



    #8110 Reply


    Hello Fred,

    You can’t really use Task Manager to check for open files (but you can use Resource Monitor, CPU tab, Associated Handles). You can of course use Task Manager to check if a given process is really gone.

    It may be the case that the file is in fact not actually open – but AxCrypt thinks it is. That’s why I’m asking for you to ensure you’re using the latest version, we have fixed some such issues.

    What version of AxCrypt are you running?

    #8111 Reply


    I have just rebooted the machine and this time the error still occurs.

    I have checked the start-up progs and nothing should be interfering after a reboot.

    I am running win 10 prof. I am using version 2.1.1541.0 and it says there are no updates required


    #8112 Reply


    Thank you.

    Can you please follow the instructions for steps 1 and 2 here: . (No need for step 3, the event log).

    Send this as instructed to support att axcrypt dott net . Please refer to this conversation with me, and ask for it to be handled by me.

    #8113 Reply


    Hi Svante,

    Have to go out now but will do when I get back

    Thank you very much for your help. Greatly appreciated.


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