Forums Bugs & issues AxCrypt Version 2 Not Putting Changed Documents Back to Original Folder

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #3262 Reply

    laurel valley

    First, let me describe what used to happen correctly in version 1. After opening an encrypted document, making changes to it and saving it with a new name, AxCrypt Version 1 would put the newly named document back into the original folder where the first document was retrieved. Then, I could go to that folder and encrypt the new document.

    Here is what is happening with version 2. After opening an encrypted document, making changes to it and saving it with a new name, AxCrypt Version 2 puts that new document into a hidden AppData/Local folder and never puts the newly changed document back to the original folder.  Therefore, I can not find the newly changed document anywhere using Windows File Explorer unless I look in the hidden file folder. This is a major problem that needs to be corrected.

    #3265 Reply

    laurel valley

    I think I misspoke in my original post above because I was overwhelmed with the new look and features in version 2, and I want to correct it.  SORRY.

    If I open an encrypted document, make changes to it, and SAVE it, then AxCrypt overwrites that document back in the original folder.

    If I open an encrypted document, make changes to it, and do a SAVE AS, then I need to make sure to select the proper folder where I want to save the newly changed document or else AxCrypt will put the SAVE AS document in the hidden AppData/Local/AxCrypt folder.

    So, in retrospect, AxCrypt is working properly and the problem is with the operator – ME.

    #3270 Reply


    Hello Laurel,

    Thank you for your feedback. Glad you figured it out, but as you noticed this can be confusing and AxCrypt can do better.

    We filed an improvement issue on this some time ago, it’s on the short list to be implemented soon. See .


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