Forums Bugs & issues Axcrypt seems to keep versions in the user's AppData local folder – can purge?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8365 Reply

    Todd I. Stark

    I’m using Axcrypt V2.1.1489 on Windows 10 to encrypt a very large (1.5 GB) zip archive and it appears that it is retaining multiple copies of the encrypted archive under the path C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\AxCrypt under multiple subfolders .  Is it safe for me to delete the copies or any way to do that safely without corrupting the product’s indexing so it doesn’t take up so much space?

    #8377 Reply


    Hello Todd,

    First – Please upgrade! That version is ancient. You should be seeing a red icon warning you of this. Go to and get the latest version,

    You should let AxCrypt clean it up with the red broom icon. You won’t confuse AxCrypt if you delete them manually – but you may lose your most recent edits, since if you have any that have not been re-encrypted, if you delete them the changes are lost.

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