Forums Help & support Axcrypt ne me demande pas le mot de passe pour ouvrir un fichier

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  John 3 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #11340 Reply



    J’aimerais savoir si il est possible pour axcrypt de me demander le mot a chaque fois que je souhaite ouvrir un fichier crypter.

    Parce que pour l’instant il ne me sert à rien.

    Certes le fichier est crypter mais quand je clique pour l’ouvrir il ne me demande rien et l’ouvre.

    #11358 Reply


    Hello Mélodie,

    Please read the FAQ at and perhaps the blog post for some background .

    #13875 Reply


    hello same problème here, i have change computer and i have new bad version of this programme who need te deconnected every time files for not open automaticaly decrypted….


    i have search and found old version with password asked “every time”

    thank you

    #13878 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Dan,op,

    As per svante response above, Please read the FAQ at

    AxCrypt is a single sign on model where the same password is used to sign in to our servers and to protect your files.

    AxCrypt 2 works just like your email software or most other password-protected systems. You sign in once and remain signed in until signed out. Just like you can read many emails without entering the password every time, AxCrypt will do the same. The files are still encrypted, but your password is remembered until you sign out of AxCrypt.

    AxCrypt stays signed in until signed out, just like most similar applications such as your email.Once signed in, you can read, write and update information without having to re-enter the password, until signed out

    #15933 Reply


    bonjour je n arrive pas a crypter les documents dans ma cle usb il ne me demande pas de mot de passe

    merci a vous par avance

    #15937 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello louis,

    I will explain How AxCrypt Works:

    AxCrypt 2 works just like your email software or most other password-protected systems. You sign in once and remain signed in until signed out. Just like you can read many emails without entering the password every time, AxCrypt will do the same. The files are still encrypted, but your password is remembered until you sign out of AxCrypt.

    AxCrypt stays signed in until signed out, just like most similar applications such as your email. Once signed in, you can read, write and update information without having to re-enter the password, until signed out. AxCrypt will automatically sign out when the screen saver goes active(based on the Inactivity Sign Out configuration), or you can sign out manually.

    You can be connected to the USB to your system/laptop, then you can encrypt your files using the AxCrypt app.

    You can use your USB to open/decrypt the encrypted files from any other pc/system with your file password(which was used in the encryption process). Without the file password, we can’t decrypt the encrypted files in AxCrypt.

    Still, you are facing any issue, please provide detailed information about the issue and write a mail to We are happy to help you.

    #15941 Reply


    bonsoir axcrypt ne me demande rien au moment du cryptage pas de mot de passe

    que faire merci d avance

    #15942 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello louis,

    we are already explained how Axcrypt works. Please read the link

    Also, Please read more information about why-password-only-on-sign-in

    #22138 Reply


    It’s useless since it doesn’t ask me for the password, I needed to secure a file on my desktop but anyone can access it without a required password. I’ll get another encryption software

    #22139 Reply


    [EDIT] : Axcrypt 1 works well :) now my file is protected by a password

    #22524 Reply



    Comme l’a indiqué le modérateur M. Prabhukumar, le principe d’Axcrypt 2 est de ne devoir se connecter qu’une fois, puis se déconnecter. Par conséquent, si vous ne vous déconnectez pas une fois que vous avez terminé d’utiliser le dossier/les fichiers cryptés qui vous sont utiles, forcément le cryptage perd un peu de son utilité (et c’est donc la raison pour laquelle vous voyez effectivement le fichier directement).

    Il vous suffit d’effectuer un clic-droite sur l’icône d’Axcrypt figurant en bas à droite dans votre barre des tâches, puis de cliquer sur “Déconnexion…”.

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