Forums Bugs & issues AxCrypt missed few folders and files during encryption

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years ago.

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  • #5610 Reply


    I tried encrypting a 2 GB folder. When encryption completed, I noticed few folders and files left unencrypted. I even clicked “Refresh”, still the files are unencrypted.

    I am using AxCrypt 2.1.1474.0.


    #5611 Reply


    I’m an AxCrypt user, totally unrelated to the development of AxCrypt, but I can confirm that recursive folder encryption is not yet supported.

    Recursive means folders within a folder. For example:

    \Private\File 1.txt



    In my example above only File 1 and File 2 will be encrypted. The ‘Finances’ folder won’t be encrypted unless you manually select it.

    The developer has promised that recursive encryption (i.e. the ability to encrypt everything within a folder: folders within folders) will be introduced shortly. It had been omitted because people had inadvertently encrypted critical folders!

    #5619 Reply


    Thanks Robin!

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