Forums Bugs & issues Axcrypt failed to start: All settings cleared

This topic contains 17 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 17 hours, 43 minutes ago.

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  • #42014 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Chris,

    This might be because of problem with a dot net framework or some other third party applications are not allowing the AxCrypt app to run. Please check your operating system has any pending updates. If any, please update.

    Please check whether your operating system has dot net framework 4.5 or above? If not please install the same. You can download the dot net framework here, .

    Also Please try to check any firewall or antivirus software’s are blocking the AxCrypt app or not? If blocked, please add the AxCrypt app in the app’s whitelist. Then restart your system and install the AxCrypt app.

    Please delete the folder %LocalAppData%\AxCrypt(C:\Users\’User Name’\AppData\Local\AxCrypt) to clear the local cache and starts the AxCrypt app like a new.

    Then uninstall the AxCrypt app and restart the system then install the latest version of the AxCrypt app You can download the same from our official website: . (if already download, please ignore it).

    Now install the AxCrypt app and try to start AxCrypting……

    If you are facing any issues, please contact our support team at

    #42032 Reply


    <p>Thank you for the reply.  I tried all of the steps and the problem still exists.  I sent an email to your support team as you requested.</p>

    #42064 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Chris,

    We have responded to your support email. Please check the same.

    “Please avoid sending the same query in different mediums. You may get the duplicate response”

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