Forums Bugs & issues AxCrypt and the windows 10 anniversary update

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3926 Reply



    Recently Microsoft released their anniversary update, since than I could not open our encrypted files on my updated machine. Opening on a Windows 10 pc without the update works fine, on the updates machine AxCrypt tells me the password is wrong.

    I don’t know if this is known already? If it is known, is there an update planned?

    Thank you!

    #3927 Reply


    Hello Stijn,

    This sounds more than strange… Although of course a Windows update can affect how software works, that it would affect AxCrypt in such way that it all works but not the password is very unlikely to say the least.

    So, I think something else is going on here.

    Can you please post a screen shot of the screen when it says the password is wrong, and one from a successful sign in?


    #3947 Reply


    All OK at this end, except that I can’t exit the program (but that may have been the case before the update)

    #3948 Reply


    Hello Robin,

    Ok, glad to hear it.

    You exit AxCrypt by using the ‘File | Exit’ menu. Clicking the Window Close red cross icon at the top right or ALT+F4 will minimize it to the tray.

    #3949 Reply


    Thanks Svante.  File/Exit does nothing!

    #3950 Reply


    Sorry, the program has actually gone troppo.  Recent Files has a file listed.  The file is NOT open.  None of the options will remove the file from the list.  Cleanup will not remove it (thus presumably this is why AxCrypt wont close).

    Task Manager has File Encryption using 97% of CPU (Background Process).

    Task Manager closed File Encryption.  Opened file again, AxCrypt restarts OK.  File Encryption in Apps list this time.  Closed file. Can exit AxCrypt OK now.



    #3951 Reply


    Thanks for the report. Noted, until next time it happens…

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