Forums Help & support Axcrypt 1.7 and security

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Azhaguraja B 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #10901 Reply




    I’m on a trial on V2.0 and for the moment, i like it.

    But for very long term cloud storage of data (Bitcoin private keys) i still use v1.7

    One thing i never understood on how the keyfiles work in 1.7 :

    -How are they 128 bit keys generated ? Are they really random enough ?

    – Does adding a 32 character pasword like : KNPQCWJDDSVTTUBYOOMKFNVXJWGDNNZM  (128 bit)

    makes the use of a keyfile obsolete, or is it wise to combine both ? does it add any security ?

    Or is this pasword just as strong as the  keyfile ?

    Kind regards,











    #10907 Reply

    Azhaguraja B

    Hello Waldo,

    Please check out our Technical Information page from our information website to know the answer for your questions.

    You also check out our legacy versions information from our old axantum site .


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