Forums Community 128 AES or 256 AES ? Where I can see it ?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #7731 Reply


    Hello together,

    I first used the free version and after 2 weeks or so then the premium version.

    Unfortunately I now do not know which files I have encrypted with 128 AES (normal version) and which files with 256 AES (premium).

    Is it possible to see if a file has been encrypted with 128 AES or 256 AES?

    If yes, where I can see it?

    Many thanks.


    #7732 Reply


    To view the encryption algorithm is very simple:

    • Locate the files that you want to check
    • Drag and drop them into the large white area of AxCrypt
    • The ‘Algorithm’ column will then say AES-128 or AES-256
    • To <i>increase </i>your encryption from AES-128 to AES-256, double click on the AES-128 file(s) and they’ll be upgraded to AES-256


    #7733 Reply


    Oh, okay I must have been blind ;-).

    I had the window of Axcrypt always “small”. Now I see that the encryption is directly shown in the window.

    Thank you.

    #7735 Reply


    Thank you Callum!

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